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Developing Speech Applications
(0.5 day
Learning Objective
Learn the steps and processes for developing speech applications
Target Audience
Managers, project leaders, and developers of speech applications
Instructor Background
Dr. Jim Larson is the
co-chair of the W3C Voice Browser Working Group, which recently adopted
as the basis for its W3C Speech User Interface Framework. He is the
author of the book, VoiceXML—Introduction to Developing Speech
Applications. Dr. Larson is the manager of Advanced Human Input/Output
at Intel Corporation. Jim is a certified VoiceXML 2.0 developer.
Detailed Description
Motivation for Speech Applications
- Users access
Web sites from any telephone, anywhere, anytime.
- Speaking and
listening are the natural usage modes for phones
- When speech applications
are NOT appropriate
Process for building
a voice application
- Who's who—The
playbill for the speech team
- Investigation
stage—Identify the application-focus groups, ethnography, and
market analysis
- Design stage—Specify
the application-scope, functions, conceptual model, and persona
- Choose the right
technology—Evaluation criteria, comparison shopping
- Development
the application-user testing, iterative refinement sustaining stage;
deploy and monitor the application; adjust to usage changes
- How to allocate
effort for each stage
The tasks unique
to speech application development and how to plan for them
- How to design
a persona appropriate to the application and business
- How to specify
dialogs, including prompts that encourage users to speak, grammars
that define how users respond to prompts, and event handlers that
assist users who fail to respond to prompts appropriately
- How to conduct
Wizard of Oz tests to refine dialog designs
- How to conduct
usability tests to make a good speech application into a world-class
- How to monitor
the application to detect changes in usage patterns and how to deal
with them
- Choosing between
buying a speech server vs. using a hosting service
How to manage the
- Assisting the
customer to create dialog scenarios that drive the voice user interface
design (and limit the scope of the user interface)
- Specifying performance
and preference criteria that drive the optimization of the user interface
(and set appropriate customer expectations)
- Helping the customer
understand the true cost of last minute changes (and how to limit
last minute changes)
Summary and Q&A
Introduction to VoiceXML
(0.5 day course)
Learning Objective
Learn the basics of speech development languages so that you can begin
to develop your own speech applications
Target Audience
Web developers who expect to design and implement voice applications
Instructor Background
Dr. Jim Larson is the co-chair of the W3C Voice Browser Working Group,
which recently adopted VoiceXML as the basis for its W3C Speech
Interface Framework. He is the author of the book, VoiceXML—Developing
Speech Applications using VoiceXML. Jim is manager of Advanced
Human Input/Output at Intel Corporation. Jim is a certified VoiceXML 2.0 developer.
Detailed Description
Students will be asked to complete short exercises during the course.
W3C Speech User
Interface Framework and its languages for developing speech applications:
- The Grammar Markup
Language—What the user can say
- The Speech Synthesis
Markup Language—What the user hears
- The Natural Language
Semantics Markup Language—What the user means
- Reusable dialogs—User
- The Lexicon Markup
Language—How words are pronounced
- The Call Control
Markup Language—Connecting to users
VoiceXML 2.0 for Developers
(4.0 day course)
Learning Objective
Learn VoiceXML 2.0 concepts, programming elements and coding techniques. Implement a variety of VoiceXML 2.0 applications. Complete a practice VoiceXML 2.0 Developer Certification test.
Target Audience
Speech Application Developers
Instructor Background
Dr. Jim Larson is the co-chair of the W3C Voice Browser Working Group, which recently adopted VoiceXML as the basis for its W3C Speech User Interface Framework. He is the author of the book, VoiceXML—Introduction to Developing Speech Applications. Dr. Larson is the manager of Advanced Human Input/Output at Intel Corporation. Jim is a certified VoiceXML 2.0 developer.
Detailed Description
- VoiceXML Background
- VoiceXML Application Structure
- Menus
- Forms and the Form Interpretation Algorithm
- Input Form Items—<field> and <record> Elements
- Executable Content and Navigation
- Procedural Elements
- Form Items—<object>, <subdialog> and <transfer> Elements
- Variables
- Events
Resource Management
- Properties
- ntroduction to Grammars
- Using Grammars in VoiceXML
- Writing Complex Grammars
- Speech Synthesis Markup Language
- Introduction to Semantic Interpretation
- Semantic Interpretation—Towards Natural Language Understanding
- Creating Voice User Interfaces for Novice Callers
- Creating Voice User Interfaces for Average Callers
- Creating Voice User Interfaces for Experienced Callers
- Introduction to CCXML
- VoiceXML 2.1
Each attendee will receive
- Course notes
- Three practice tests
- Quick Reference Guide
- VoiceXML Guide CD (For a description of this CD, please see
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