VoiceXML: Introduction to Developing
Speech Applications
Construct a list of commands for use by the driver of a car.
A. Identify and
list commands for controlling a car's radio.
- (Turn) Radio
- (Turn) Radio
- (Select) AM
- (Select) FM
- Increase volume
- Decrease volume
- (Select)Previous
- (Select Station)
1 (previously set a station frequently listened to)
- (Select Station)
2 (previously set a station frequently listened to)
- (Select Station)
3 (previously set a station frequently listened to)
- (Select Station)
4 (previously set a station frequently listened to)
B. Identify and
list commands for controlling a car's environment (heater, air conditioner,
defroster, etc.)
- Increase temperature
- Decrease temperature
- (Turn) temperature
(control) off
- (Turn) temperature
(control) on
- (Turn) defroster
- (Turn) defroster
C. Identify and
list commands for controlling a cell phone.
- (Turn) phone
- (Turn) phone
- Dial nnnnnnnnnn
- Increase volume
- Decrease volume
- Hangup
D. Integrate the
lists (a) - (b) into a single list of commands for use in a car.
After combining
the above three lists, notice that there are two pairs of identical
commands that must be extended to indicate the device being controlled:
- Increase radio
- Decrease radio
- Increase phone
- Decrease phone
B. Construct a VoiceXML
form that captures a query for accessing the following relational database
- Table name: Employee
- Column name:
- Column name:
- Column name:
Monthly salary
- Column name:
Street address
- Column name:
- Column name:
State (or country)
- Column name:
Postal code Hint: keep the query simple by allowing only one condition
on each field (e.g., ID = 14234) and no disjunctions (ID=14234 or
name= "Jones").
9-3 Construct
a VoiceXML form that presents the result of the query of exercise 9-2
to the caller.
The VoiceXML code
in Figure 4.9 enables callers to browse a list of call rings, we will
modify that code to browse a list of employees returned by the database
management system.
Investigate the use of a dictation application in a telephone environment.
A. Install a dictation
program on your computer. See the companion web site for a partial list
of available dictation programs.
B. Before you train
the dictation application, try to use the dictation program to dictate
a three-paragraph memo.
C. Train the system,
and then use the dictation program to dictate another three-paragraph
memo. Briefly describe the difference in use of the dictation program
with and without training.
D. Simulate using
the telephone by asking a friend to play the role of a speech synthesizer
and keeping your eyes closed as you use the dictation program. Dictate
a third three-paragraph memo without opening your eyes and looking at
the screen. You may ask your friend to read portions of what you have
dictated by speaking commands such as "read previous sentence" and "read
this paragraph." Based on this simulation, evaluate the usability of
dictating text over the telephone. Comment on the ease of editing what
you dictated.
9-5 Discuss
the similarities and differences between application-directed user-directed
A. Compare the flows
of an application-directed dialog (Figure 8.8) with the flow of a user-directed
dialog (Figure 9.2). What are the principle differences?
In the application-directed
dialog, the user answers questions. In the user-directed dialog, the
user speaks commands.
B. Revise Figure
9.2 from a user-directed dialog to an application-directed dialog. What
are the principle differences between the dialog document of Figure
9.2 and the application-directed dialog?
The application-directed
version of the user-directed dialog is similar to that in Figure 8.8.
In the application-directed
dialog, the user answers questions. In the user-directed dialog, the
user speaks commands.