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Voice XML: Chapter 6 Exercises


VoiceXML: Introduction to Developing
Speech Applications

6-1 See http://morph.ldc.upenn.edu/ltts/ for a Web site the enables users to compare several speech synthesis engines. This site also has an extensive list of TTS engines.

6-2 Audio formatting for Example 2.1.

A. Create a copy of the VoiceXML program you developed for Example 2.1.

B. Insert non-verbal sounds where you think appropriate.

C. Format the audio by appropriate chunking and pausing.

D. Conduct a user test using the audio formatted and non-audio formatted versions of Example 2.1. Are there significant changes in how the application measures against the benchmark?

6-3 Develop a training and help strategy for the VoiceXML application of Example 2.1.

A. Create a copy of the VoiceXML program you developed for Example 2.1.

B. Specify context specific help messages for each menu and form field

C. Specify error handlers for noresponse and nomatch events for each menu and form field.

D. Conduct a user test using the version without error handlers and the version with error handlers. Are there significant changes in how the application measures against its benchmark?

6-4 Suppose the caller has asked the question, "When do flights from Los Angeles arrive at London Heathrow? The flight arrival database returns the following table

Airline Flight number From To Arrival time Gate
British Air 713 Los Angeles London- Heathrow 8:47 G4
Air France 23 Los Angeles London-Heathrow 10:03 G5
NorthWest 38 Los Angeles London- Heathrow 10:14 S2
United 413 Los Angeles London- Heathrow 10:23 G4
American 814 Los Angeles London- Heathrow 11:03 G5

Keeping in mind the limitation of the human short-term memory, write a VoiceXML document that presents this information to the caller.

6-5 Improve the following prompt by revising the wording and inserting and tags which make the prompt easier for callers to understand:
