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Voice XML: Chapter 12 Exercises


VoiceXML: Introduction to Developing
Speech Applications

12-1 Identify two VoiceXML interpreter venders. (See the companion web site for a partial list of candidate venders.) Review their web sites and construct a table that compares the two venders with respect to audio files, grammars, subdialogs, objects, applications and services and underlying technologies including TTS, ASR, barge-in, DTMS recognition, etc. Based solely on the available of reusable components, which vender to you recommend?

12-2 Convert the VoiceXML program you wrote for Exercise 10-1 into a reusable subdialog.

A. Demonstrate your subdialog by referencing it from another VoiceXML application

B. Redesign your subdialog so that another developer can change the prompt messages without changing your subdialog code.

C. Redesign your subdialog so that another developer can change the grammar used by menus and fields without changing your subdialog code.

Using the following grammar: name1.grxml:
