VoiceXML: Introduction to Developing
Speech Applications
- Page 149 line
16: Replace http://portal.etsi.org/HF/STF182.asp
by http://portal.etsi.org/HF/documents/DES21.v0.0.49Jul01ted.doc
- Page 161 Figure
72 line l3: replace "public destination" by
#ABNF1.0 ISO-8859-1;
langugae en; mode voice;root $destination
public $destination
- Page 191 caption
of Figure 8.9: replace "Figure 8.5" by "Figure 8.8"
- Page 200 Exercise
8.2 parg (b): replace "noresponse" by "noinput"
- Page 211 Exercise
9.5(b): replace "(Figure 8.2)" with "(Figure 8.8)" and "(Figure 9.2)"
by "(Figure 9.2)"
- Pages 216-219:
Delete all of Section 10.4. VoiceXML no longer supports scope="document"
within the grammar tag.
- Page 244 Figure
10.11 line 1: replace "XML:lag" by "xml:lang"
- Page 226 Replace
Figure 10.12 lines 23-39 by:
<link event = "UserRequestedStop">
<grammar type="application/grammar+xml" root="scale"
<rule id = "scale" scope = "public">
<catch event = "UserRequestedStop"> <exit/> </catch>
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